Employees can submit documentation to the Division of Campus Engagement and Compliance to be granted permission to purchase an ADA parking permit to park in designated parking areas. Temporary ADA parking permits are also available.
Obtaining an ADA Parking Permit
To be eligible to purchase an ADA parking permit to park in Area 75 spaces, you must email a copy of the following documents to ADA Coordinator Maggie Von Dolteren at mav0001@mail.wvu.edu.
- Copy of your accessibility parking placard from the DMV with the accompanying registration ID card
- Documentation from a medical professional indicating the disability, any restrictions and the duration of said restrictions
- Your work location and where you would like to park on campus
An ADA coordinator will review the submitted documentation. If you are eligible for an ADA parking permit, the coordinator will contact Transportation and Parking to inform them of your eligibility.
Note: If an ADA parking permit is not available due to parking area space limitations, you can request to be placed on a waiting list. Employees may also consider a change in their work arrangements as possible accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To learn more, contact ADA Coordinator Maggie Von Dolteren at 304-293-5600 or mav0001@mail.wvu.edu.
Cost of ADA Permits
The cost of an ADA parking permit is dependent on where the accessible parking space is located on campus.